Sunday, January 24, 2010

Something has got to change.

Today, we have decided to document our journey to obtaining a healthier lifestyle. We have MANY excuses of why we cannot eat right and exercise. Hopefully, by creating this blog, we can now hold ourselves accountable and actually be successful this time. We hope to post our exercise efforts of the day, and what foods are working out for us.

As of this hour, we are researching the raw foods diet. This particular meal plan, seems to be the healthiest but most challenging to accomplish. This is a fairly simple concept. Eat uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, sprouts and sea vegetables.

There are many reasons why people eat a raw and living foods diet:

Health: Persons embracing this type of diet invariably experience improvements in their general physical and mental status, including more energy, better health, more energy , weight loss, detoxification, and a sturdier immune system that better resists and recovers from just about any kind of disease... and the list goes on...

Energy efficiency: Since you no longer have to cook, you don't waste electricity, and save the environment.
Since you eat organic agriculture, you help to save the planet. Most become more in-tune with their body; many report definite spiritual improvements.

No animal products are used, so the animals appreciate it.

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